Fifth Grade

How many students are there in the 5th Grade?
  • Class sizes vary from year-to-year. Typically there are anywhere between 45-60 students per grade. Each class has between 13-20 students.
How many classes do 5th Grade students have?
  • Each school day consists of five core classes: reading, math, writing, science, and social studies. There are also reading skills, read aloud (fire), workshop, and wellness built into the schedule. Students rotate through writing, science, and social studies with their homerooms. Each class is 30 min long. For math and reading classes, students are regrouped according to their MAP (Measures of academic progress) scores.
What can you tell me about the homework?
  • As a 5th grade team, we understand how important family time is and how busy students can be with extracurricular activities. As a result, we try to keep homework to a minimum. At the very most, students may have 15 minutes of reading or a quick worksheet to complete. Typically homework is assigned if an assignment was not completed in class when the adequate time was provided.
Do you utilize the Common Core State Standards?
  • Yes, the Common Core State Standards serve as our guidelines for curriculum development and delivery.
What intervention or enrichment activities are available to my students in 5th Grade?
  • There are many interventions and enrichments available for our 5th-grade students. Our enrichments include Friday Focus, Project-Based Learning activities, Odyssey,  Community Service Projects, Lights On, and differentiation of lessons within the classrooms. In addition to enrichment activities, we provide intervention opportunities for all students at TMS. These opportunities include, but are not limited to Academic Opportunity (A.O.), Breakfast Club, workshop, recess time, differentiation of lessons within the classrooms, and one-on-one teacher/student interactions.
When is the best time to contact the classroom teachers should I have any questions, comments, or concerns? What about the best method?
  • Teachers are available before school (7:30-8:00) and after school (3:40 – 4:00).  You can also contact your child’s teacher by email or phone. You can find each teacher’s contact information by clicking their picture on this page. We also encourage face-to-face communication between teachers and parents. If you wish to meet with a teacher we are more than willing to set up a time that is most convenient for you.
Do the students attend any electives or specials?
  • 5th Graders attend two electives/specials each day. Examples of electives/specials include, but are not limited to Band, Project-Based Learning (PBL), Physical Education/Health, Art, Library, and Music.
What are some examples of units taught in P.E.?
  •     Students will experience a variety of units while in P.E. A few examples include, but are not limited to: Swimming, Health, Dance (rhythmic and partner), Volleyball, and Floor Hockey.
Can my student participate in any school-sanctioned sports?
  • 5th graders do not participate in school-sanctioned sports. However, the Hot Springs County Recreation Department offers several activities for students. Some of these activities include soccer, basketball, baseball, and football. 4H also offers great activities for students. Some of these activities are archery, painting, fishing, animal breeding, and robotics.
Will my student receive guidance or classroom visits from the school counselor?
  • Students will receive whole group instruction periodically from the counselor. Topics include bullying, chill skills, and peer interactions. One-on-one counseling is available upon request or recommendation.


Additional 5th Grade Specific Information
Are students assigned a homeroom?
  • Yes, each student is provided a homeroom and teacher. Students arrive at their homeroom first thing in the morning and rotate through Science, Writing, and Social Studies with their homeroom class. Students are not in their homeroom groups for reading and math. These groups are determined by the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) scores.
Are there any special field trips or out-of-the-classroom learning experiences for 5th Graders?
  • Students in the 5th grade attend an annual trip to Denver where they visit the zoo, aquarium, science museum/IMAX, and cheer for the Rockies at a baseball game. Students also visit the Wyoming capital on this trip.
When are Parent-Teacher Conferences?
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences are held once in the fall and once in the spring; however, feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions, comments, or concerns.
Is there recess in 5th Grade?
  • Yes, students are provided with a 15-20 minute recess following lunch Monday-Thursday. There is also a wellness activity built into the daily schedule. These activities involve the whole class participating in a single activity.